Be Smart With Your Waste

The solid waste industry is constantly working to provide environment friendly waste disposal solutions for communities around America, providing a greener environment for both people and wildlife. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American produces about 4.4 pounds of waste every day. That's a lot of garbage! But there are things-big and small-that Americans can do to reduce the amount of waste that they produce, recycle and compost more, and keep certain waste materials out of our landfills. The solid waste industry is an essential partner in protecting our community's public health and the environment through innovative solid waste management practices. Many communities have recycling programs that encourage recycling plastics, recycling paper, recycling aluminum, recycling fluorescent bulbs and more. Thoughtful waste reduction and litter prevention also are vital. With the help of Americans, we can do a lot to advance sustainable waste disposal solutions for issues currently facing our country and environment.

Photo of recycling and trash containers curbside

Reducing Waste

Reducing the amount of waste that you produce helps protect the environment. In fact, waste reduction is as important as recycling in saving natural resources, energy, and waste disposal space and costs, and in reducing pollution risks. An example of waste reduction is using china and silverware instead of using disposable paper plates and plastic flatware.

Read more about waste reduction...

Recycling Electronic Equipment

Solid waste management companies are working with state and federal government agencies and electronics manufacturers and retailers to provide more opportunities to people to reuse and recycle their electronic equipment. As a result, consumers typically have a number of options available to them to reuse and recycle these products.

Read more about recycling e-scrap...

Continue reading here: How should you dispose of compact fluorescent light bulbs?

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